at Apsley House

The English Quadrille was originally formed by Christine and Ellis Rogers to provide 'living history' at the Wellington Museum, Apsley House, London.

The beauty of the Waterloo Gallery at Aspley House has provided an ideal setting for the performance of dances connected with the first Duke of Wellington and the Napoleonic Wars. The light fabrics and delicate colours of the Regency dress form a sharp constrast to the rich decor.

The gaiety of the dances which Wellington's officers performed when on acrive service, for example at the Duchess of Richmond's Ball on the eve of the Battle of Waterloo, reflect their urgent need to snatch laughter and enjoyment whenever possible.

Music and dances named after the Iron Duke, his family, friends and campaigns are today performed with equal enjoyment by the English Quadille with Oliver Davies and Rowena Bass.

English Quadrille with members of the Napoleonic Society.